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Membership Dues

Individual $60, Couple $120

Classes of Membership

Article III, Section I – Classes of Membership

There shall be two classes of membership, Resident and Non-Resident:

(a) Resident Members are those who currently reside within the Resident Area, as defined in section 7 of this article.

(b) Non-Resident Members are those who currently reside outside the Resident Area.

As discussed in section 6(b) of this article, at the time they apply for membership, Resident applicants must reside within the Resident Area and Non-Residents applicants must reside within the Non-Resident Area, as defined in section 8 of this article. Members may later move outside the membership area and still remain Non-Resident members.

Couples shall be considered one membership. All Members must be at least 21 years of age.